Directa Trading Platforms: System Requirements

Based on our experience, here are some recommendations regarding the types of systems and hardware options that are most suitable for using Directa trading platforms.

Requirements may vary depending on the usage environment. These recommendations provide general guidelines for making the best use of all the features.

Minimum Version
Recommended Version (as of 2023)
Browser (Desktop)
Google Chrome 80+
Mozilla Firefox 75+
Microsoft Edge 80+
Safari 14.1+
Google Chrome latest version
Mozilla Firefox latest version
Microsoft Edge latest version
Safari latest version
Operating System (Desktop)
Windows 10
MacOS Mojave (10.14)
Windows 11
MacOS Monterey (12) or later
Browser (Mobile)
Mobile Chrome 80+
Mobile Firefox 75+
Safari iOS 14.1+
Mobile Chrome latest version
Mobile Firefox latest version
Safari iOS latest version
Operating System (Mobile)
Android 9 (Pie)
iOS 13
Latest Android version
Latest iOS version

Note: We strongly discourage the use of Internet Explorer or any outdated browsers, devices, or operating systems. For a better experience and enhanced security, we recommend keeping your systems and browsers up to date.

Display Size
Minimum Size
Recommended Size (as of 2023)
Width 1024 pixels and above
1920x1080 pixel
Width 768 pixels and above
1024x768 pixel
Width 320 pixels and above
390x844 pixel